the awesome/terrifying freedom

out here, somewhere, figuring it all out.

ben foster

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i'm intensely skeptical of xmen 3. brett ratner is capable, but has no vision. he's good at imitating others, and i think what we'll get from a 3rd xmen film is a duplicate of x2, rather than a true expansion of that series' universe.

that said, i'm mostly curious to see it because ben foster has been working out a lot to play angel, who, as the marvel website describes "is virtually devoid of fat and possesses greater proportionate muscle mass than an ordinary human does." will he be able to shed his former persona/specialty as dweeds and freakazoids?

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  • 5: the man of genius

  • 4: blunders & absurdities

  • 3: conservative after dinner

  • 2: what lies below

  • 1: where there is no path

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