the awesome/terrifying freedom

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i think the reason gay people are winning so many battles lately is simple: money and placement. we have lots of money and we are everywhere. 'bride' magazine included it's first ever article on gay marriages, which has been seen as a hugely progressive move. i think the real reason the article is in the mag is because the publishers realize that there is HUGE money to be made in gay weddings. money speaks louder than morality (if you happen to think it's a moral issue).

oh the vatican. i might buy their 'gay marriage is violence to children' argument if they actually took steps to protect children. or perhaps they are speaking from personal experience, and equate their own abusive-closeted-homosexual tendencies with those of us who are actually well adjusted and secure in their sexuality and don't rape children because we have lived in self-hating denial for our entire lives. so yeah, i can see how these people might think homos would do harm to children - they feel the urge themselves. they can't believe we've adjusted. and maybe they're even jealous.

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