the awesome/terrifying freedom

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so my dad called and said 'have you seen this show.. queer something?' i said, yeah i love it. 'really..?' he said. i said yeah it's hilarious and fun. he said 'but the stereotypes are so horrible.'

which launched the good vs. bad stereotype discussion again. it's funny how people who are not gay, but friends of gay people have an instant negative reaction to the show - they assume that the show is somehow attacking gays, or is bad for their image. i tried to convince him that it's a funny show, and that any good gay party would have at least one of those types stealing the show, and no gay conversation is complete without a discussion of hair products.

oh, my dad also apologized for having me circumcised. that was nice. he also said i should be glad i wasn't born into a mayan tribe. i'd have mr. winky stuck with an obsidian blade or a stingray spine, the blood collected in a basket of paper, which when fully dyed red with blood would be burned, the smoke being a direct communication with god. good thing we have fiber optics now.

last night's 'queer eye' was pretty good - the fashion guy, carson, is quite the wisecracker. the show is best when the straight guys are comfortable enough to relax and play around with the homos. plus they made his apartment look fabulous. it's cool to see them really trying to help someone rather than completely make them over for shock value - unlike the 'sally-jessie makeover' that consists of dying everyone's hair red (hopefully not the mayan way) and putting them in a lane bryant pantsuit. but it is obvious that the show gets free mechandise from 'lucky' and 'diesel' for prominent logo and screen time.

tune in tonight and watch my friend paul on his ongoing quest to destroy his every last shred of dignity on putrid. wait! there's still a piece of it over there, on the floor! stamp it out, paul! stamp it out!

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  • 5: the man of genius

  • 4: blunders & absurdities

  • 3: conservative after dinner

  • 2: what lies below

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