the awesome/terrifying freedom

out here, somewhere, figuring it all out.

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okay, i'm watching 'playing it straight,' during which i'm filled with alternating feelings of glee and revulsion. well, mostly revulsion.

i hope to god she picks a gay guy. judgments are about sexuality are being made based on who has a blow dryer, and who shaves his legs, and who was unlucky enough to end up in the 'pink' room in the house. so far, it's a pathetic step backwards. what worries me most is this initial coloring of the gay contestants as deceitful and manipulative. 'how could those evil homos do this to such a pretty girl???' jackie even says 'i mean they're gay, they're just after the money.'

i'm also totally disturbed by the shot of one guy audibly getting his arm broken during an arm wrestling match. ugh.. i mean, the actual sound of someone's bone snapping.. far more disturbing than janet's boobie.

so jackie's gonna get rid of all the effiminate ones first - and thankfully, wonderfully both of the limp-wristers she eliminated were straight. and in that moment millions of americans simultaneously question their preconceptions of homoness.

ha - they have a 'closet confessional.'

so, on monday - my temp life is temporarily over.

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