the awesome/terrifying freedom

out here, somewhere, figuring it all out.

eyes open

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i hate that feeling that i've been blinded.. that creative energy just won't come.. that there was a time when i could look at something, anything, and see a composition, hear a song, have something to say, basically be inspired.. up and down up and down, right? i think i write this exact same post at least twice a year, the 'i'm uninspired' post.

drawing the cartoons has become increasingly difficult to do. why is that? i could look at a stapler and think of something funny for it to say. i'd spend the whole subway ride sketching postage sized drawings to go with my latest punchlines.. where did they go? am i done with cartoons? the next thing will come.. it always does.. it'll wake me up again and i'll start pooping creative shit all over the place.

it has something to do with maslow's hierarchy.. i need basic stability before i can open my eyes and really start to look around..

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  • 5: the man of genius

  • 4: blunders & absurdities

  • 3: conservative after dinner

  • 2: what lies below

  • 1: where there is no path

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