google fucking earth
published Monday, August 08, 2005 by j | email this post
do you know how fucking cool this thing is?
if you're on a pc, go now and
download it.
it smoothly navigates you between any two points on the planet, usually zooming you into images with high enough resolution to see your parent's car in the driveway. it also comtains data on buildings, terrain, and roads. here is my brownstone in brooklyn, as shown by google earth:
and this is pulled back a little further.. so you can really see where i am in relation to the rest of the city.
i suppose if you wanted to stalk me, you could come right up to my doorstep now, though really i'm just saving you the time it would take to type my name into zabasearch.
check out this example of the landscape data - i tried my best to place the google earth camera in the same spot that i took this picture:
and here's approximately the same location in google earth:
on the hbo website, in the fictional six feet under obituaries, it lists fisher and sons at 2302 w. 25th street, los angeles. i put in in google earth, and lo and behold:
Yeaa, man, cool link, but was the profanity really necessary?
fuck yea!
profane? your profanity is my italics. my fucking italics!
hell damn shit yeah!
Your mother is so embarassed for you.
Your father.