the awesome/terrifying freedom

out here, somewhere, figuring it all out.

the de-evolution of trajan

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it's been awhile since i've done one of these, but it's been making me crazy!!! what's interesting is that trajan is not so much the font of 'serious movies' anymore, its use has shifted to trashy horror and suspense films in an attempt to cash in on the font's supposed credibility, and to give the picture an artifical sense of gravity.

though trajan is still being used in its traditional role - lame suspense movies. 'perfect stranger' and 'fracture' look like the exact same film.

and these posters are so out of date that they're using the font for its original overuse, dramatic oscar-whore epics:

2 responses to “the de-evolution of trajan”

  1. Blogger Ted Stephens III 

    i believe the trajan font was created after the late fr. edward catich, who was a student and professor at my small undergrad in iowa. he etched the font out of slate, if i understand correctly.

  2. Blogger j 

    oh dear no. if only we could blame someone so current. the font comes from the inscription at the base of the monument to rome's emperor trajan, a giant marble penis erected in a.d. 113.

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