what to say, what to say..
ruben is the american idol! hmm.. i'm a touch disappointed, but only a touch. i still like ruben, but based on the final night's performances clay should have won by a landslide. i guess it came down to two things - who inherited kimberley's fans and who's fans were more voracious and obsessive about voting. ruben's fans took it home by 1,300. part of me thinks i should have voted. then ruben would have won by only 1,299. well i maybe would have voted three times so 1,297.
as simon said, the real competition will begin once both singer's single cds are released - who's fans are more willing to vote with their money?
i dont know what the top stories were in other parts of the country, but during the commercial breaks in new york we were treated to spots for fox news with the lead stories like:
'what's britney spears doing in this video that she doesn't want you to see??? find out tonight!'
'grandma stubbed her toe in the bathtub. international terrorists may be responsible! we'll show you the unlikely connection tonight at 10!'
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