okay, good to know i'm not the only one wondering about the hulk's
are we supposed to believe jennifer connelley doesn't get ripped in half just like eric bana's shirt?
eric bana was on leno last night. not a very funny guest, but yea, i'd knock that down.
justin guarini was also on leno. one of the misconceptions about gay people is that we hate women. i don't hate women. but i do hate justin guarini. this chick will never disappear will she? now i'm not saying that justin is into man-on-man action. no way. first of all, you have to have two men for that to happen. remember those tight pants he wore on idol? hello cameltoe. ms g is one hundred percent lipstick lesbian.
in other news, canada is officially
rewriting the law to allow for same sex marriage. this is huge.. this isn't provincial law, this is the entire country - only the third country - to provide gay couples with all the same rights and protections as straight couples.
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