the awesome/terrifying freedom

out here, somewhere, figuring it all out.

settling in

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when i first moved to new york, i was going out a lot, and had someone who essentially acted as 'tour guide' - he'd take me around to various hotspots and i'd have no idea, geographically, where we were in the city. my brain would connect the dots, but the dots would have no context, so i was forming a map of the city that looked like the early explorer's maps of america - all the points are there, but boy is it distorted.

i'm curious if the same thing will happen here. there are so many sections of the city, and it's so easy to get lost. i have yet to buy a thomas guide.

'what? you don't have a thomas guide?'

'no, i just haven't had a chanc..'

'you have to get a thomas guide.'

'i know, i was gonna ge..'

'i can't believe you don't have a thomas guide.'

'well i will as soo..'

'you have to get one!'

'i kno..'

'get one!'

so i've not gotten one, partially because it's fun to have that little exchange with everyone i meet. also partially because i have yet to get really really lost, which, like getting on the wrong direction on the subway, will happen at some point.

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  • 5: the man of genius

  • 4: blunders & absurdities

  • 3: conservative after dinner

  • 2: what lies below

  • 1: where there is no path

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