hello, iwould like to see the sexual preditors in my area but your websight won't let me . where do you put zip code to do this? i have tried everything.you can me at tsouther2002@yahoo.com thank you terry southerhi terry.
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Hi Joe,
I live in NYC and looked at www.zipcodealert.com and typed in my zip code. It brought up some dude in ORLANDO, Florida...like 1,000 miles away.
Does that mean my children, if I decide to have them, are safe from sexual predators in the greater tri-state region?
Thanks for your prompt attention to this matter,
hi anonymous,
as the webmaster and proprietor of zipcodealert.com, i feel confident in telling you that yes, the nearest sexual predator to you is safely away in orlando. bill used to live in manhattan, but he moved. he really wanted to be in boy band country. so breed away, anonymous. your kids are safe.
hello rob and friends, no i'm not the list.haha an i'm not a him i'm a her. terry souther