well, basically, just busy, and occupied! also, i let the batteries die in my camera, so even though i've had it on my person during several photo opportunities, it hasn't been functional. eh, i'm lazy. but it's all charged up now and ready to roll. fortunately, sam has been the shutterbug. we went to the newly refurbished and expanded griffith observatory last weekend.

but most of this last week has been spent on projects:
1. studying and getting certified as an apple pro user in final cut!
2. completing the edit on the short i shot with my dad over the summer, 'loaded.'
3. designing the postcard and website for a show john pinckard is producing in nyc, '
the sublet experiment.'
the final cut test was much harder than i expected - because there are three test levels, i figured level one questions would be extremely basic, and some of the were, but many were on key commands and keyboard modifiers, which i wasn't expecting. i was expecting it to be a hands-on, project style test, similar to what i had to do to test for photoshop at temp agencies in new york - but no, it was a good old fashioned multiple choice test, taken in a private computer lab, on the internet. once you click 'end test,' you find out instantly if you studied hard enough, or if you have to shell out another $150 to retake the test next week. i could only miss 15 questions and still pass, but i had earmarked over 20 questions to review again later because i didn't instantly know the answers.. i had to be fully prepared to spend the money and retake the test before pressing the button - thankfully i got a perfectly respectable 87%, will be listed on the apple website as a certified pro, and i can now display this logo:

along with this logo came a huge booklet detailing 'proper usage of the apple logo.' bleh. though, that is how they keep everything looking so nice. microsoft certainly has no guidelines or standards when it comes to their look.
so i've finished editing 'loaded,' which is exciting, and it's been submitted to the boulder film festival. should find out soon if it's accepted. even if it's not, it was a great experience, and was the vehicle through which i picked up the bulk of my final cut pro skills. at some point i'll post a version online, but not just yet.
meanwhile.. looking for editing assistant jobs.