i along with the rest of the world watched britney spears cry her eyes out on national television. i feel sorry for the girl. she is clearly the victim of a personality trait that makes her able to become whatever she thinks people want her to be at any given moment. unlike madonna, she doesn't seem in control of her shifting personas - they just kind of happen - at the whims of photographers and video directors and stylists. i don't get the notion that she really chooses anything.
still, if i was a breeder, i totally would.
speaking of breeding, my friend's boss is named 'hardy justice.' which got me thinking about how we should start naming our kids after phrases. like horses and such. ya know, for sociological experimentation. i'd like to name a child 'destined to fail,' or 'saddlebag thighs' or 'ugly on the inside' just to see how they'd grow up. then you can have an office pool over whether they live up to their names. it's a great way to make sure your kids turn out the way you want them to. name your daughter 'artsy fartsy' and she's certain to be a soulless but rich investment banker.
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