the awesome/terrifying freedom

out here, somewhere, figuring it all out.

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it's been an eternity since i had a great morning. why am i having a great morning? what makes this morning any different than any other? why am i not falling asleep on the subway? why am i suddenly devouring my book again? why am i taking the stairs instead of the escalator? why am i exhilarited by the endless walk from the subway to the office? why do i get a happy chill from seeing clouds slowly scroll behind the skyscrapers? why do i, for the first time in a long time, feel like a 'type a' personality? i can actually feel the dopamine or the serotonin or whatever releasing into my brain.. ahh..

do i exist in a normally lethargic state only so that i can enjoy these precious few moments? why do i immediately assume that this is temporary? what is the secret of those for whom this is the normal state? damn them!

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  • 5: the man of genius

  • 4: blunders & absurdities

  • 3: conservative after dinner

  • 2: what lies below

  • 1: where there is no path

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